A lifetime of service to others
Anthony’s life has been rooted in volunteerism and service to others, beginning in 1980 when he first volunteered with the Boonton Volunteer Fire Company – a membership he still holds today. He also received the Rotary’s highest honor, becoming a Paul Harris Fellow while serving as President of the Boonton-Mountain Lakes Rotary Club. Today, Anthony is serving his first term in the State Senate, where he fights for taxpayers, families and seniors.
Fighting for the most vulnerable
Not only was Anthony a founding member of Daytop NJ, an adolescent drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Mendham, but he’s also been recognized for his work advocating for those with disabilities, led the fight in Trenton to fight New Jersey’s opioid epidemic, and was named a “Champion” for his efforts on behalf of in-home patients, their families and health care workers.
Local government expert to control property taxes
A graduate of Seton Hall Law School, Anthony has long served as a municipal attorney in the area which has given him deep insight on how best to control property taxes, including the elimination of unfunded Trenton mandates and reforming the state’s burdensome affordable housing obligations. Additionally, as a member of the State Assembly, Bucco has voted for historic bipartisan legislation to cap property taxes, sponsored a number of bills to provide middle class tax relief, and was given an “A” rating for his work to protect taxpayers. He has never voted for a tax increase.
A cancer survivor and a fighter
At 8 years old, Anthony was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The external radiation treatment and tumor removal severed one of his vocal chords and later caused the permanent loss of vision in his right eye. He understands the challenges of families with serious health complications, and brings that experience to Trenton. Anthony also helps raise money by participating every year in the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life.”
Proud dad and grandpa
Anthony and his wife Amy together have six grown children, and have jumped feet-first into their roles as proud grandparents to their 3 grandchildren. A lifelong resident of Morris County, Anthony lives in Boonton Township.